Thanks to the newly completed Lakenpark, Singelpark now fully encircles Leiden’s historic city centre with an impressive ring of landscape and water. The crowning achievement in Lakenpark is De Bank Zonder Naam (The Bench Without a Name).
Singelpark wraps around the city centre, following the contours of Singelgracht. Carving through the landscape, this six-kilometre-long canal is the largest intact urban defence line in Europe. The people of Leiden and the municipality came together to develop an attractive green belt of international allure. Singelpark is a beautiful stretch of nature that invigorates biodiversity and contributes to the city’s sense of community.
Officially opened last summer, Lakenpark represents an important final link in Singelpark’s greenway. The former car park has been transformed into an oasis of nature for neighboring residents and walkers to enjoy. Undulating hills and a natural playground hide the few remaining parking spaces. The walking path meanders through the park and is flanked by linear benches arrangements from Streetlife. The benches also have a retaining wall function. Lakenpark is a place to meet with friends, relax and play. It is a gateway to the history of Leiden and evokes a feeling of nostalgia.
De Bank Zonder Naam, is named after De Zangeres Zonder Naam (The Singer Without a Name), Mary Servaes-Bey, who was born in Leiden. Her music captured the spirit of the working class, the poor and disenfranchised during a transitional period in Dutch history. The bench is named in honour of this remarkable singer and is situated beneath a monumental tree to emphasize its significance. An initiative of the Friends of Singelpark, this tribute was financed by the Carolusgulden Foundation, which supports elders.
Several of De Zangeres Zonder Naam’s most famous lyrics have been subtly carved into the bench’s backrest. The planting evokes a time when people would often hear these songs played. The extra-long bench arrangements were designed and supplied by Streetlife. These Cliffhanger park benches are also available as standard elements for partial customization.
The fully developed Singelpark helps to bring Leiden closer to its goal of a climate-conscious city center. Lakenpark’s wide variety of beautiful trees and flora create a year-round vibrancy and enhance biodiversity. Replanting trees and reducing paving by 40% has also greatly diminished heat stress in the urban center.
Lakenpark was designed as an inclusive project. Residents of all ages contributed their ideas, in particular to the inclusion of a stimulating natural playground and diverse planting palette. In line with other projects related to Singelpark, local people help maintain the area. The park thus serves to strengthen the feeling of community and connection to the natural infrastructure of the city.

Location | Leiden, Netherlands |
Delivery | 2021 |
Client | Projectbureau Leiden Municipality |