Rough&Ready (R&R) Straight Tree Isles are made from CorTen steel parts with a R&R Crosswise seat comprising FSC hardwood or All Black beams. The beams are oriented crosswise, creating
a natural anti-skate solution.
The unique R&R Straight Tree Isles are completely stand-alone on the concrete deck or are embedded in the ground. Large trees can be anchored underground by a specially developed foundation construction. The standard depth below ground level is 15 cm – 6”.
In the R&R Straight Tree Isles Italic, the walls of the isles are placed at an angle, which provides more legroom but above all creates a dynamic appearance. The Italic walls can be used in all Tree Isle designs with R&R Crosswise seats.
Products supplied within the North American market are fully manufactured in the USA.
Possibilities and constraints
- This product is the most efficiënt in lengths that are a multiple of ca.300 cm | 118"
- On request the main dimensions of this product can be customized
- The standard material is untreated weathering steel (-CT), optionally at a surcharge finished in a double layer powder coating (-PC)